With Protofanousis Fruits we have managed to build one of the few fresh fruit brands with international awareness.
They assigned to us their website as well as their B2B global digital & communication strategy and their trade fairs presence since 2012. All Proto audio visual productions were also created by Ambigram collaborators.
We have also named and created their second fresh fruit brand, “Fruto”.
Proto Stand — 2020-2022
Proto Stand — 2017-2019
Proto Stand — 2015-2016
Proto Stand — 2012-2014
The Proto website is considered among the best designed of the fresh fruit industry world wide.
We have established a strong internet presence for the brand. Linked in, Mail Marketing,SEO and Facebook are the main Media we have used to find new customers and increase our brand awareness.
Ambigram, together with Christos Nikoleris, have created a series of videos for Proto Fruits.
POS material created to support sales in various occasions
Proto’s second brand Fruto was named and designed by out team.
Point Blank Monks PAD Polychroniadou E. Nikoleris C.